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    Richard Myatt

    When I bought my Wiser system I understood I would be able to use it with an OpenTherm boiler.  However I now find that Thermostat Kit 2 is not compatible (in OpenTherm mode) even though it comes with an OpenTherm module.  What plans are there to make it truly compatible?

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    Two years ago Richard told you that he was misled in believing all your kits were compatible with opentherm and you didn’t do anything to fix your marketing, your instructions or your website. This post on this forum is the only reference on the entire web where you explicitly say that only kit 1 is compatible with opentherm. Here we are two years later and I have got the same experience as richard, I bought a kit 3 thinking it was compatible with opentherm and it isn’t. You still advertise the product as opentherm compatible and you still haven’t made any changes to the software to make compatible. We should all get a refund from this scammers.

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    Carl jones

    I've connected to my boiler using opentherm but I get no hot water (boiler shows "RC" for the water temperature). Is there a way I can make it work?

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    Same problem. I have kit 2 and connected it through opentherm as they also misled me to believe it would work. The thing is that it have works which is even worse because I has been very hard to track the problem to the Wiser module.
    The module works for the hot wster as long as the central heating is working. I installed at the beginning of the winter hence it hasn't been until recently when I started to get temperamental problems with the hot water as the central heating was turned on less and less with the better weather entering spring and summer...

    It's unacceptable and they should compensate us.

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