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    Marvin Wright

    In the settings it will also allow you to switch off the hot water in away mode, this doesn't seem to work.  I enabled this and put it into away mode.  The hot water still comes on.

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    I have the same issue as Marvin. The away mode no longer has any affect on the hot water function. The hot water continues to follow the schedule even with the hot water - away mode enabled.

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    Ray Forster

    Have you programmed Away mode to turn off Hot water?

    Settings > Away Mode > "Turn Off Hot Water" turned on?


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    Marvin Wright

    Yes Ray, it doesn't work.

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    David Yarrow

    I have the same problem as Marvin and Gerry. Hot water stays operating according to the time schedule in away mode.

    Is anyone going to answer the question, is this a fault or just not an available function?

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    James Prior

    I don't know if the above mentioned problem has been fixed since the above comments, but I find (Dec 2022) that the hot water does get turned off in Away mode as long as the additional Away mode settings has the "Turn off hot water" setting enabled, i.e. flicked to the right.

    I think Away mode is not explained very well in this article above. It says it "overwrites" the schedule. Well it doesn't really overwrite it, better word would be "overrides". And I think its wrong where it says Away mode prevents it getting too COLD - it doesn't! Your schedules prevent it getting too cold by leaving your heating system ON, while Away mode stops excessive heating. The missing video (see link below) mentions this.

    Think of it as it places a LIMIT on the temperature to heat UP TO, based upon the underlying schedule.

    I have read in forums that some people like to use the Away mode in spring or autumn, and at first this didn't make sense to me. Now I understand, because often during spring/autumn temperature changes some days can be warmer than others, so using Away mode (when you're NOT actually away) enables you to set a maximum temp for your heating when you're at home so you're not wasting energy or getting too hot, and constantly tempted to adjust your schedules!

    Did you know that the Heatpoint setting for Away Mode can also be set to OFF by reducing it all the way down?, i.e. not a set temperature, but instead be completely Off. This has been useful this winter with the Gas prices being so high, particularly with a really cold spell of freezing weather as a desperate measure to literally turn the heating completely off with confidence that none of the radiators are calling for heat if the temperature in a little used room drops really low (I mean like 8 degrees or so!!). Because we have taken the view that we will use other less expensive heat sources; a log burner in our Living Room, and a bottled Calor gas heater in our Kitchen for a large portion of the day when we set Away mode, and only use the central heating according to our schedules from late-afternoon on, when we remove Away mode again.

    Another misunderstanding I had which was wrong was the idea you could set a higher Setpoint (say 22 degrees) and it would heat up to that temperature! Wrong and not sure where I'd got that impression from. The whole point of Away mode is to save energy/money. It places a max heating limit on top of the schedules.

    I also thought Away mode was a method of ensuring the house would not go BELOW a certain temperature, e.g. to prevent damp/mould/keep furniture safe. Wrong again. You should use your SCHEDULES to set any minimum level you need the heating to come on at.

    REQUEST: Attention Drayton - Also the change that shows on the Home screen in the app is a bit too subtle for my liking! Instead of it normally showing for each room, e.g. "20* until hh:mm" as the target temperature, it will show just "16*" if that is the Away mode setpoint you chose.

    Better would be to clearly say "16* max due to Away mode".
    Because there is no clear indicator on the Home screen that you are in Away mode (pretty vital to my mind), you only notice if you go to the Automations tab and then you see that Away mode has the tick on it.

    And the wording in the Settings page for Away Mode should be changed from "Heating Setpoint", to "Maximum temperature limit for all schedules" and a concise explanation provided in the Away mode settings screen, to explain Schedules provide your Minimum desired temperatures.

    So some better Help info is needed!

    Drayton please consider making these changes :o)

    Also the video link above is lost/not working. (Drayton, please fix the link).

    Try this

    Another comment derived from my missus was there was no way to easily override the temperature for the WHOLE HOUSE in one easy go. Say its chuffin cold when you return from holiday and need to crank everything up. You could use BOOST ALL, but that boosts each rooms individual temp by +2 degrees from what it is currently reading. This is where MOMENTS come in handy. So on the Automations screen create a Moment and add in Heating actions for each room you want and set the temperature you require for each room using the slider. Give it a name and icon, save it, then hit the button for the new Moment and all the rooms will go to the temps you set.

    They will ONLY LAST until the next schedule change event, or if you hit the "Cancel all overrides" button, which resets back to the schedule settings for each room. So I created Moments for, e.g.

    Whole House = all rooms to individual temps

    20* in Living Room/Kitchen = set the living room and kitchen to 20 degrees

    Living/Kitchen OFF (16*) = turn them back down again

    Upstairs 20* = for all my rooms upstairs (remember each room can be assigned its own temp, so you might prefer an unused guest room to remain unheated, or just not add that room to the Moment)

    Upstairs OFF (16*) = reverse the above, not essential because you can just hit "Cancel overrides" button.

    Hope this helps. And I hope Drayton make some changes please ! :-)

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    The YouTube link says the video for this article has been removed by the uploader.

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    Damien Derwin

    I have a question.
    The hot water water keeps turning on but ut is turned off on the schedule.
    Both my wife and I are signed in on separate devices to control the heating and water on the same email account.
    Any one any idea what is happening and where we can sort this?
    Thanks in advance

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    Giles Davies

    December 2023.
    The option to "Turn Off Hot Water" does not appear to make any difference to the hot water schedule when Away Mode is enabled. Is this a bug in the system?


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