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    This is a bit absurd to be honest.

    There are many security problems in the app, e.g. you can't paste passwords, which makes people more likely to use stupid-insecure passwords.

    But the fact that you need to share email/password with other people is by far the most concerning security issue. This is security 101.

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    S I

    Is this laughable. Makes a mockery of this entry.

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    Hello, has there been an update on this?

    We've just purchased a Wiser set for our home and I'm very disappointed to discover that the account is restricted to one email for the whole household. We have house guests coming next month, so this means that we have to hand over the entire account to them while we are away from home instead of giving them restricted guest access.

    Please can you implement multiple account access per installation as soon as possible? This is is 2022 after all.

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    Matthew Luckins

    This really is a no brainer requirement, please implement this future 

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    Robin Cawser

    Wish I'd known this before dropping £500 on this system. Such a simple requirement for something like this you'd expect it to be there from the start!

    Any idea when this feature will be added?

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    Kamil Grządziela

    Add it please as I'm thinking to returning it just cause of this issue. At the same time sharing account is very unconvineng especially that you can easily delete account from app. Not sure if email confirmation is sent as I'm worried deleting it

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    S I

    You are better of returning it and buying something else. Wiser seem hell bent on ignoring feature requests for changes. I've put it across 1 Yr ago and every now and again follow it up with an email and get the usual "we will log it with the devs". It's so comical I can imagine them laughing at it every time someone asks. All the big major competitors have the simple feature.

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    Kamil Grządziela

    Yea tado starter kit is coming to me, as they seems to be more responsive and adding more features have more app updates.
    And they do have this function althouyh theyvs got their downsides.
    Drayton would be such a good option if not this users issues.

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    We had a house sitter stay at our house for a few months while we were away on holiday earlier this year. Instead of giving them our account details, we controlled the system remotely whenever we had access to the internet. Not ideal but we made sure the house sitter was comfortable whilst avoiding compromising our account security. 

    The Wiser system is great, but it would be so much better with guest access.

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    Robin Cawser

    My work around at the moment is to set up the (fantastic) non official home assistant integration and give members of my family or guests access to that.

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    Kamil Grządziela

    Robin could you tell bit more about that?

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    Sharing passwords and account logins is terrible. Do you not Pentest your products for security?

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    Andy Nelson

    I agree, the need to have delegated or guest accounts should be high on Wiser's priority list.  I was hoping that amongst the new features recently added would be this function. 

    However, I do have a work around.  I have Alexa linked to the Wiser solution which allows voice control by anyone in the house of room temperatures and hot water.

    Alternatively, house guests can boost or reduce the the temperatures using the wiser radiator thermostats manually.


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    Neil Cobb

    I'm a Schneider Electric employee and we keep get told about how good and important our data security is so this makes a complete joke of this! It is NOT secure when you have to share passwords! This needs to be updated immediately and without delay otherwise your in breach of your own parent companies cyber security policy.

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    Surprised and a bit shocked that such a basic security feature is lacking. And that the app doesn’t seem to integrate with Apple iOS passwords.

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    David Bridge

    As others have said. This is a basic requirement.

    e.g. I would like to allow my child to control their radiator through their Amazon Echo device which is linked to their account. 

    I have the account linked to my Amazon Alexa account but my child cannot use this on their account.

    I note that this question has been going on for 2 years now. Time to get off the pot guys.

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    Ed Southwood

    Just logged my partner in with my account details on their phone - not ideal by a longshot. Please fix.

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